
Fitness Classes I Nutrition Coaching
I Math Tutoring I
Spanish-bilingual coaches

In-person Fitness Classes

FREE Zumba®
Tus niños son bienvenidos. Variedad de ejercicios cardiovasculares, tonificantes, y de estiramiento.

Functional Training - $25
This total-body, low-intensity class combines TRX® functional training, Yoga and Pilates.

Cardio & Strength - $25
This class combines cardio dance, functional training, weights, and cycling.

On-Demand Fitness Classes

Stay fit anytime, anywhere!
$10 per calendar month or
$49 per calendar year

This low-intensity class combines Yoga and Pilates to help you gain flexibility, mobility, and core strength. No equipment required.

Barre Fit
This total-body workout combines ballet Barre, Pilates, and cardio dance with optional light weights.

This fun cardio dance combines high energy and uplifting Latin music with easy-to-follow moves. No equipment required.

STRONG Bootcamp
This class combines kickboxing with aerobic moves that are synced to the beat. Burn calories, get stronger, and tone up. No equipment required.

Pedal to the rhythm of exciting music tracks to build strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Pedal through hill climbs, sprints, and many other drills. Stationary bike required.

Coaching and Tutoring

Private Coaching
Basic Physical Assessment.
Full Physical Assessment + Nutrition Plan.

Wellness Seminar
In-person and Online
Schedule a session with a Fitness & Sports Nutrition Coach. Learn tips to improve and maintain your well-being.

Math Tutoring
In-person and Online
Diana has worked with students of all ages, challenges, and abilities. She can prepare your student for the best! Plus, she’s Spanish-bilingual.

Bike Fitting

Benefit from a bike that has been properly adjusted to fit your body and your riding style. The GURU Dynamic Fit Unit™ is the world's most advanced bike fit system, providing you with an interactive, personalized fit experience to create the perfect ride for you! A certified fit specialist will discuss your cycling history and goals, then work with you to determine your ideal riding position. Sessions are conducted at the Bicycle Connection - 10435 York Rd. Cockeysville, MD 21030.